Back-End Engineers - Are they the forgotten heroes?

Those in the software industry can relate to the fact that *in most cases* designers and front-end developers get all the credit. They’re the ones who will repeatedly feature in news because of the directly visible changes that they make to our favorite service or product.
Most customers never even realize that there are countless engineers toiling away in data centers, working on infrastructures and behind-the-veil fixes in order to make the awesome product just actually awesome. And isn't that a shame?

Do we have any back-end engineers here? What do you think?


  • Ankita Katdare
    Ankita Katdare
    CS/IT engineers?
  • zaveri
    let alone back-end engineers, i don't think a customer even gives a thought to the fact that the product which he is using or enjoying is the product of the efforts of people called engineers (irrespective of whether they are front-end or back-end).

    but then why should he ? he is paying for it .
  • Anoop Kumar
    Anoop Kumar
    On the question of backend engineers, No doubt these guys work well to provide availibility of projects everytime .
    Not only backend guys , I think customer only know and appreciate to bunch of implementation team and Manager who go to onsite.and only 1-2 of them are developer to fix the bug and transfer the bug to development site.
    And these BA are so called highly skillful team where the fact is when project transit through design and coding phase developer told them how project should be and then BA change it.
    I don't know why companies not send development team members at time of analysis phase.

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