  • Just finished reading autobiography of world's favorite entrepreneur - Richard Branson - the creator of 'Virgin' Brand.

    The book is titled 'Losing My Verginity'. Richard Branson tells us the story of 'Virgin'. Truely amazing story and I recommend it to everyone.

    -The Big K-
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  • Jerry

    MemberJul 28, 2006

    Just finished reading autobiography of world's favorite entrepreneur - Richard Branson - the creator of 'Virgin' Brand.

    The book is titled 'Losing My Verginity'. Richard Branson tells us the story of 'Virgin'. Truely amazing story and I recommend it to everyone.

    -The Big K-
    I read the book long ago. Branson does it his way. Interesting book with lot of inspiration and humor.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 13, 2006

    Screw IT , Let's Do IT !

    I also recommend another book by the same author - "Screw It! Let's Do It!".

    Amazing book based on the learnings of Mr. Branson. Truely inspiring boook ![​IMG]

    -The Big K-
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberAug 13, 2006

    I also recommend another book by the same author - "Screw It! Let's Do It!".

    Amazing book based on the learnings of Mr. Branson. Truely inspiring boook ![​IMG]

    -The Big K-
    Hi CEANS,

    After a break I am back .. I was a bit busy last few days so was not able to post much on the forum.. although I was rushing through the activites going on...

    First of all Congrates to everyone, as our community touched a figure of 800... With the rate community is growing I am pretty sure in a month or 20 days it will touch the magical figure of 1000....

    Biggi... I have a query if you can solve it out that will be beneficial for me... Bu before this Excuse me as I am a bit lazy, in posting PM so am asking via Post only...

    From Where you arranged these books... is it some library .. (If Yes, than which..??) Or the source is E-books...

    Please, Do let me know this ???
    Thanks in Advanve.😁

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 13, 2006

    I bought those books ! 😁

    Reading is my new addiction & therefore I spend like anything. If you like reading e-books, try this link: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Free eBooks | Project Gutenberg</a>


    -The Big K-
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