  • momin

    MemberMay 15, 2009

    Atmel STK500 complication

    hey everybody,
    i got an Atmel avr STK500 development kit, it was working great but now i got a problem. whenever i turn the power switch on the power led turns red but both the stauts led and Vtarget led are off. all the jumpers are set in the defult position as mentioned in the user manual. when i turn the kit on the multimeter reads a short circuit between GND and VTG. this short is not present when the kit is off so it is not a hardware short.
    please help me
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberMay 15, 2009

    May be there is damage in your any Resistor or in any devices... it may be burn out may be your Chip also..

    this is the reason why your LED turn off when you power on the device which is burnt loads the circuit and thats why there is short between VTG and GND..

    Check the Component and Replace it.
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  • momin

    MemberMay 15, 2009

    i dont think that there is any hardware damage. because when the power is off there no short circuit. so nothin is burnt.
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  • Rifaa

    MemberMay 15, 2009

    do u have schematic for this device, if so post it.
    Then I can help
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberMay 15, 2009

    Momin it is sure that there is any component which load the circuit thats why your LED goes Turn off....

    Can you please post the Schametic .
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