Member • Mar 10, 2009
Assembly Program for interfacing Printer Port
Now that I'm an aspiring Computer Engineer soon, My Prof decided to gave us some cool projects like Interfacing Printer Port with Assembly Language.
Ive read about many topics about how to interface a printer port, but soon enough I'm having a hard time building a 'working' program by using an Assembly language 😔
My device that I need to interface with a printer port is a 7-segment display (cathode) and it looks like Ive done assembling the device. But silly enough to think how to start with the assembly program @__@
She told me to use some sort of debug programs (I think) like IDE, tasm and tlink to work with the program.. but I dont know how to use them. Hope you can help me with this Assembly Program since Im a very new in this kind of field. Like some sort of Tips or Examples (a working program is fine too 😁) of a program is welcome.
~ Thanks