  • Are banks too restrictive in giving educational loans?
    Yes many of my friends had said that both government banks and private banks are not ready to trust students and give them loan.The other main problems faced by students is that they were asking for documents to trust them and some banks even discontinue their loan offer when a student have a arrear.While crores and crores of money have been offered as industrial financing and banks lose their money as many industries dont even pay back it.Why banks not trusting students for their education?
    Have anyone faced this kind of problem in your life?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 26, 2013

    Definitely not a debate topic. Loans are usually given to anyone after determining their payback capability. The decisions are based on facts and figures. There are institutions or organisations that specialise in Student Loans. HDFC Credila is one such organisation that offers student loans.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberSep 26, 2013

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Definitely not a debate topic. Loans are usually given to anyone after determining their payback capability. The decisions are based on facts and figures. There are institutions or organisations that specialise in Student Loans. HDFC Credila is one such organisation that offers student loans.
    I agree that there are some banks that provide loans to students but I would also like to know other CEans view on this topic.
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