Member • Jul 18, 2011
Anonplus - Social Networking Site From Anonymous Hacker Group
The Anonymous Hacker group has been in news for long. Their will to build a social network came after their account was suspended at the Google+ online community.
Following is the message on the anonplus website:
Anonymous, which rose to infamy last year with cyber attacks in support of controversial whistle-blower website WikiLeaks, posted the suspension notice from Google on its blog at Tumblr.
The group has been linked to attacks on Visa, Mastercard and Paypal, which blocked donations to WikiLeaks after it published thousands of US diplomatic cables.
Let's see where they take it.
Following is the message on the anonplus website:
Well didnt we grow up fast 😀 this lil info dump of a site is here
simply to dispence info, soon the actual site will go up and you can begin
to interact with it. This project is not overnight and will take many of
those out there who simply want a better internet. We will not be stopped
by those looking to troll or those willing to stop the spreading of the
truth. One thing i would like to point out that this project is for ALL
people not just anonymous, this idea is a presstorm idea and only takes
the name anon because of the Anonymity of the social network.
Anyway the reason for this dump is to announce the dev teams as we
choose them, this list is far from complete and will change DAILY if not
hourly, sorry but thats just how it goes. For now however here is our dev
team. I will email you all to start our journey to freedom!
Anonymous, which rose to infamy last year with cyber attacks in support of controversial whistle-blower website WikiLeaks, posted the suspension notice from Google on its blog at Tumblr.
The group has been linked to attacks on Visa, Mastercard and Paypal, which blocked donations to WikiLeaks after it published thousands of US diplomatic cables.
Let's see where they take it.