    Six Semester

    (Regulation 2008)

    Time:Three hours maximum: 100 marks

    Answer ALL questions
    PART-A(10*2=20 marks)

    1. what are Armstrong axioms?
    2. what is cascade less schedule?
    3. what is location transparency and fragmentation transparency?
    4. when are elections and voting used in distributed database?
    5. mention the approaches used for making objects persistent.
    6. mention the use of createiterator() method used in ODMG c++ language.
    7. what is the difference between XML schema and XML DTD?
    8. Define: Snowflake schema and fact constellation.
    9. mention the type of spatial queries.
    10. what is a horn clause?

    PART-B(5*16=80 marks)

    11. (a)(1) Discuss first normal form, second normal form and third normal forms.(10)
    (2) Normalize the give relations as required.
    i. customer(customer-ID,customer name,telephone numbers,credit cards) to first normal form
    [note : telephone numbers, credit cards are multivalued Attributes]
    ii. Student(rollno,name,courseno,course max,marks,yearofstudy, Address)to third normal form
    iii. vendor order(vendorno,orderno, vendorname,qty supplied, price/unit)to second normal form

    (b) Discuss:
    (i) conflict serializability
    (ii) view serializability
    (iii) two phase commit protocol
    (iv) validation based concurrency control protocol.

    12. (a) Discuss in detail how parallelism could be used in query processing and relational operation executions.(16)


    (b) (i)consider the relations😔10)

    Assume that the employee relation is fragmented horizontally by plant-number and that each fragment is stored locally at the corresponding plant site. Assume that the machine relation is stored its entirety at the Armonk site. Describe a good strategy for processing each of the following queries.

    * find all employees at the plant that contains machine number 1130.
    * find all employees at plant that contain machine whose type is "milling machine".
    * find all machines at the almaden plant.
    * compute join of find employee and machine relations.

    (ii) Explain how 3pc responds to various types of failure.(6)

    13. (a) (i) Discuss the basic built in interfaces of the ODMG model.(12)
    (ii) Differentiate😔4)
    * multiple inheritance and selective inheritance
    * structured and unstructured complex object

    (b) (i) describe the steps of the algorithm for object database design for EER to OO mapping.(8)
    (ii) discuss in detail the OQL concepts. (8)

    14. (a) Discuss the issues and steps involved in building a data warehouse. how the concept of relational view is related to data warehouse and data marts?(16)

    (b) Discuss Apriori and frequent pattern tree algorithm(16)

    15. (a) Discuss the database management issues involved in designing mobile, genomic and multimedia databases.(16)


    (b) (i) discuss the design and implementation issues for active databases.(8)
    (ii) Discuss the programming aspects of Datalog with example(8)
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