Member • Sep 23, 2011
ANDHRA UNIVERSITY - MBA Program-Business Environment Question Paper
MBA-Business Environment Question Paper:
1. Explain the concept of Business Environment and discuss the different non-economic factors
that influence business decisions.
2. What are the reasons behind the problems faced by developing countries on account of
World Trade Organization.
3. Examine elaborately the changing trends in the performance of Indian Public Sector
Enterprises during post – reform period.
4. "Much has been said than done in preventing industrial sickness in Indian Small Industry".
5. What do you mean by the term "Economic Planning"? Also evaluate the goals and strategies
of l1th Five Year Plan of India in the context of Millennium Development Goals.
6. Examine the trends in India's Foreign Trade in terms of composition and direction during the
last decade.
7. What are the main thrust areas of Current Industrial Policy of India? Explain.
8. Critically evaluate the impact of Financial Sector Reforms on Indian Financial System.
1. Explain the concept of Business Environment and discuss the different non-economic factors
that influence business decisions.
2. What are the reasons behind the problems faced by developing countries on account of
World Trade Organization.
3. Examine elaborately the changing trends in the performance of Indian Public Sector
Enterprises during post – reform period.
4. "Much has been said than done in preventing industrial sickness in Indian Small Industry".
5. What do you mean by the term "Economic Planning"? Also evaluate the goals and strategies
of l1th Five Year Plan of India in the context of Millennium Development Goals.
6. Examine the trends in India's Foreign Trade in terms of composition and direction during the
last decade.
7. What are the main thrust areas of Current Industrial Policy of India? Explain.
8. Critically evaluate the impact of Financial Sector Reforms on Indian Financial System.