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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 22, 2014

    Are the users expected to answer a few questions before something happens? I answered a few and the whole thing seems pointless.
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  • RVignesh

    MemberJun 22, 2014

    What to do after answering ??😡😡
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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberJun 22, 2014

    It seems like an innovative way to the whole confessions page thingy. You post answers to various questions and they put up the best ones on their facebook page.
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberJun 22, 2014

    Yea they are putting up posters of best answers on their fb page.

    Check it out:
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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberJun 22, 2014

    Since this website used up some of my time yesterday I kept thinking what exactly its purpose was. Normally the phrase "Whats your excuse" sounds like some tagline for a product so I decided to check via WhoIS the owner of the domain. Once I found who owned the domain

    Click the spoiler tag if you want to know the first clue

    Spoiler: Click Here

    Most CEans who have clicked the link above know the name of the creator by now.

    If you have still not got the answer, read on.

    I decided to head over to the owners page and guess who owns and works as the lead developer in the company.

    Spoiler: Picture
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 22, 2014

    Nayan Goenka
    This thing made me loose today's debate. Addicted to this. 😁
    Check it out!!
    You should add the link to your signature if you want to promote it among CEans. We've allowed CEans to promote their own creations in the past; but a disclaimer is necessary.

    You are referring the owners as 'they' whereas it should be 'us/we', because it's been created by your own team.

    PS: The outgoing links are nofollow; so keeping the link.
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberJun 23, 2014

    LOL. Caught Me. 😛 So keep tripping on it 😛
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  • Sanyam Khurana

    MemberJun 23, 2014

    Satya Swaroop Dash
    Since this website used up some of my time yesterday I kept thinking what exactly its purpose was. Normally the phrase "Whats your excuse" sounds like some tagline for a product so I decided to check via WhoIS the owner of the domain. Once I found who owned the domain

    Click the spoiler tag if you want to know the first clue

    Spoiler: Click Here

    Most CEans who have clicked the link above know the name of the creator by now.

    If you have still not got the answer, read on.

    I decided to head over to the owners page and guess who owns and works as the lead developer in the company.

    Spoiler: Picture
    I too spent time answering two questions yesterday, then I thought it was useless, nothing was happening..😡
    #-Link-Snipped-# , You were caught because you did this in Engineering Community.

    hahaha, caught by a Computer Science CEan #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberJun 23, 2014

    It kicked off btw. Check FB page. You'll see the results of your answers
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