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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberApr 6, 2019

    I don't understand the comparison;
    From what I visualized in Thingspeak's website, it is an analytics tool with key CSPs. It means it's a product which may or may not contain mySQL or Kafka as backend.

    While MySQL is database. You can do numerous things with it.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 6, 2019

    #-Link-Snipped-# - It'd be nice if you could clarify what you wish to achieve and describe the problem a bit in more detail. 

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  • Raji Tamil

    MemberApr 6, 2019

    IOT Platform is the best in retrieving and store data. 

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 6, 2019

    #-Link-Snipped-# - that's a general statement; but I'm not sure what you are suggesting. How does IoT store and retrieve data? 

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