  • Frequent ATM users; be aware of the recent device on the block. It makes it easier for you to become bait for a fraudulent person, who is out to get you. The device used is a 3D printed card skimmer. If you are not aware about the device and the problems it may cause, do read on.

    It was retrieved from a Chase ATM in West Hills, CA. The device is modeled to resemble the actual ATM slot. Then the piece is attached to the machine and when one uses this slot, they fall prey to the sharks waiting to rob them off their money. The device has a pinhole camera and a full PCB installed in it. It is connected to ports and is efficient in collecting all relevant details from the inserted card. The details include, but not limited to, account number, security code.


    Krebson security which reported this fraud said “Looking at the backside of the device shows the true geek factor of this ATM skimmer. The fraudster who built it appears to have cannibalized parts from a video camera or perhaps a Smartphone (possibly to enable the transmission of PIN entry video and stolen card data to the fraudster wirelessly via SMS or Bluetooth).”

    Chase has tried to overcome this threat by installing new and blue devices in the ATM machines. But it obviously will keep the cheats away only for some time. By then they’ll have a similar blue device. Banks must act responsibly and come up with better and long lasting solutions. Till then ATM users must take care to check the slot before inserting their cards.

    Source: Pro Grade (3D Printer-Made?) ATM Skimmer – Krebs on Security
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