  • Gurjeet

    MemberOct 7, 2011

    A BigTalk with BigK-Part 2

    Hello CEans, Thanks for your patience we are back here with resuming the "#-Link-Snipped-#" .You have got to know about biggie's in the first part ,lets know more about the "CE+biggie",How CE achieved milestone one by one and the journey is continuing 😁

    CE: It’s a Small Talk but with Big Personalities, How it came to your mind?
    K: It’s not about interviewing only the big personalities. Small Talks will feature any engineer who’s done some awesome work from behind the scenes. It all started with my friend sharing his experiences in Entrepreneurship and starting up. I thought it would be an interesting feature. His articles are no longer there.

    I heard about a nice project called “One Billion Bulbs” and contacted its initiator via email. He agreed to answer few questions about the project and that gave birth to Small Talks.

    CE:How came VoiCE? And who suggested such an apt name?
    K: VoiCE is “VoiCE Of CE”. It was suggested by our moderator Ash (Ashraf) from Malaysia. I wanted to start a technology blog on CE’s front page and discussed the idea with him. He suggested ‘Voice’ and I turned the last two letters capital. Hence, The VoiCE.

    CE: CE-Head Quarters- Is it the physical office of CE? Let us know about it. Can we expect CE Office branches in other cities?
    K: Well, we are a private limited company that manages everything ‘in the cloud’. We’re currently doing our homework and soon begin hiring CEans to work own awesome projects. We’re trying to come up with an unconventional structure for CE that would give engineers liberty to be on their own and have all the infrastructure to work on their innovative ideas. Our hiring system won’t be like the typical hiring system for engineers. I’m not able to comment more as everything is in planning stage at this moment.

    Yes, CE will have office branches (campuses) in various parts of the world. But that’s not happening overnight. Few years’ time and we will be a household name. 😀

    CE:We always think that your work is sitting infront of CE by reading all the threads and replying them and cutting away the spams and all. What kinda work you do in offline for CE?
    K: We’re a private limited company and apart of regular ‘office work’, I’ve to take care of associations, partnerships, advertising, revenues etc. Most of my job keeps me glued to email and phone calls. We’re a startup company and that means I’ll have to share my mind in all the tasks that it takes to run the company.

    CE:How do you feel when the CEans irrespective of any profit gives their valuable time for CE?
    K: It’s an incredible feeling. No words to describe it the right way. I sometimes wonder what makes CEans go out of the way to help complete strangers.

    CE: Why don’t we have a monthly CE – Magazine like ‘Technology Today’ with latest technologies & happenings to distribute to the Engineers(offline/online) just like ‘India Today’?
    K: In terms of reach, we’re already way ahead than many popular dedicated technology magazines. We’d rather focus on bringing great content and bringing it to CEans than handling print magazine related issues and problems. I believe future belongs to online content.

    CE: How your life changed from 2006 - after arriving of CE?. And what do you dream on CE in the coming years?
    K: CrazyEngineers started in November 2005. I’m sure we achieve our goal of forming a ‘dream engineering company’ for engineers in near future.

    CE: If a person asks you to takeover CE for a huge amount of money, what would you say?
    K: CE’s not for sale. But we’re open for offering a share for ‘huge amount of money’. Any takers?

    CE: What is the difference between CE and the other techno forums? (expecting positives and negatives as well)?

    K: We don’t compete with anyone. Our strength lies in CEans who dedicate their time and go out of the way to help others. Not many technology forums are able to offer this.
    I just wish we had a greater number of active CEans and lesser number of ‘free lunch seekers’. We have a lot to do in this regard.

    CE:What changes you found in yourself as an Employee and an entrepreneur?
    K: First is the difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’. As a typical software engineer, I’d spend more on stuff I ‘wanted’ (Ex. I spent Rs 21k on Motorola Razr phone! Meh!) than the things I ‘needed’.

    I also learned how business is a way of bringing a positive change not only to your own life, but several other’s lives as well.

    CE: According to you, Whether A fresher can do good or an experienced person (who had done his job for some years) in Entrepreneurship?
    K: Anyone with ‘fire’ in his/her belly can do good in entrepreneurship.

    CE :What do you suggest for new startups like how to brand them?
    K: I’ll go with Guy Kawasaki’s advice in our Small Talk; “Engineering Is Hard & Marketing Is Easy. Build something good and they (marketers) will follow.”. If you create something good – it will reach to people on its own.

    Rapid fires

    1. How come the name The_Big_K? – Heard someone say ‘Big J’ on TV and I adopted ‘Big K’
    2. A Most Memorable day spent on CE – Every Day.
    3. A Critical day spent on CE – When we were hacked and web host said ‘delete all your data’.
    4. A day without CE – boring.
    5. Favorite Books – “Screw It! Let’s Do It!” By Sir Richard Branson.
    6. Your Favorite Entrepreneur – Sir Richard Branson
    7. Your secret of patience – Not giving up. The time passes on its own.
    8. An Engineer is who – uses/creates/develops technology for betterment of human race.
    9. Are you strict at your employees? – Will never have ‘employees’. Only friends & associates.
    10. Name 5 CEans whom you want to meet personally excluding mods – Everyone! I mean it!
    11. Define Kaustubh in a single word/sentence – K
    12. Define Biggie in a single word/sentence (other thanGood Administrator) – CEan.
    13. Finally A Joke for our CEans – Skipping this one. All the great jokes I know are either Hindi or Marathi (my mother tongue).

    Thanks a lot biggie for making this interview success and we wish you all the very best for life ahead and we hope the dreams what we have seen for CE success will soon be complete...I would like to thank CEan:Sada and CEan:Reya for their valuable support.


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  • MegaByte

    MemberOct 7, 2011

    Once again, an awesome read!👍
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorOct 7, 2011

    Nice Questions CD! Good to read so much about Biggie on the forum! 😀
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberOct 7, 2011

    Waiting for Part-3. Good Job CD. 😀

    I heard about a nice project called “One Billion Bulbs” and contacted its initiator via email. He agreed to answer few questions about the project and that gave birth to Small Talks.
    That guy is Agrawal I think.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 7, 2011

    Waiting for Part-3. Good Job CD. 😀

    That guy is Agrawal I think.
    Nope, Sameer Agrawal wrote three posts for 'Small Talk', but those posts were missed during our transition from one publishing system to other.
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberOct 7, 2011

    Nice to know so much about Biggie and CE 😀

    Waiting for Part-3. Good Job CD. 😀
    No. We have just scheduled BigK's interivew in 2 parts and you see they are really very Big talks.
    If you are really free of time and want to see the third part, we are ready to make your interview in 3 parts or more. Are you ready? 😁
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    MemberOct 7, 2011

    Nice Interview Biggie. Great work Sada, CD and Reya.
    We have just scheduled BigK's interivew in 2 parts and you see they are really very Big talks.
    If you are really free of time and want to see the third part, we are ready to make your interview in 3 parts or more. Are you ready? 😁
    I guess GF's interview will require more than three parts depending on his great personality. 😛
    @Sada: Give it a go. 😁
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  • Mr.Don

    MemberOct 8, 2011

    Great Questions SP. Nice Work CD

    Define K? @Biggie 😛
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberOct 24, 2011

    Great Interview Biggie 😀

    Nice work guys!
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