  • Okay, I'm a newbie when it comes to chemicals. But I want to know about this!

    How do I select 2T oil for my 2 stroke engine motorcycle? What's it with the carbon content [I'm concerned because the local mechanic probably knows a lot more than I do].

    Can anyone enlighten me about 2T oils?
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  • gohm

    MemberMay 4, 2008

    Back in my vintage scooter days I used 2T. The important thing is to meet api/iso/jaso requirements for your engine. I actually prefered petroleum 2T oil because it is beng combusted in the 2 cycle process which eliminates several of the benfits of synthetic oil. A good quality brand without using overpriced bike/scooter oil. I also have not seen evidence that syth is any more/less "green" than petroleum 2T oil in both the manufacture process & emissions in general. HOWEVER, they now have ester based 2T oil on the market so I would use that as that does reduce emmissions & is biodegradable! Motul, Maxxima & Estrol all amke a ester based oil. Ensuring proper mixture ration is important too. Does your bike have a metering device or do you pre-mix? checking flow rate of a metering device occassionaly is important.
    Okay, I'm a newbie when it comes to chemicals. But I want to know about this!

    How do I select 2T oil for my 2 stroke engine motorcycle? What's it with the carbon content [I'm concerned because the local mechanic probably knows a lot more than I do].

    Can anyone enlighten me about 2T oils?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 4, 2008

    Thank you for your post, gohm. Well my motorcycle doesn't have a metering device.

    Could you please talk about importance of 2T oils and where exactly it goes inside the engine? 😀

    I'm curious!
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  • chrissy_7

    MemberSep 29, 2008

    Hi, what motorcycle do you have? and does it have an autolube system or pre mix (does 2t oil go into a seperate tank or mix with fuel) the metering device would be a oil pump on the autolube system if you are unsure prob best if you say what make and model you have, I can tell you which system it has and which oil is best
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  • Differential

    MemberSep 29, 2008

    Could you please talk about importance of 2T oils and where exactly it goes inside the engine? :smile:
    For 4-stroke engines, there is a provision of supplying engine oil externally. But that is not the case with 2-stroke engine. It requires engine oil mixed in petrol. So if you do not mix oil in petrol (in proper quantity), it will affect engine lubrication resulting into its wear and tear.

    Hope this helps.
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  • kurtdaniel

    MemberAug 26, 2009

    up for this thread..
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  • NX687

    MemberNov 11, 2009

    Big K , you can ask on an oil forum , Its highly complex,,,,,,, oils these days , I checked one , and boy a lot of info there
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  • kurtdaniel

    MemberMay 4, 2010

    For 4-stroke engines, there is a provision of supplying engine oil externally. But that is not the case with 2-stroke engine. It requires engine oil mixed in petrol. So if you do not mix oil in petrol (in proper quantity), it will affect engine lubrication resulting into its wear and tear.

    Hope this helps.
    this is absolutely right..2-stroke engine requires engine oil mixed in petrol. ive read that from Haynes repair manuals..
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