  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorUpdated: May 31, 2023 • 05:44 PM (IST)

    Air-Gen Effect: Energy Out of Thin Air

    Air-Gen Effect: Energy Out of Thin Air

    Behold the grandeur of science!

    It would seem that the relentless pursuit of our energetic eggheads for alternative energy sources has taken them on a fantastical journey — from trolling the depths of the seas with algae and jellyfish to shaking a leg on nightclub dance floors, and even raiding grandma's secret liquor cabinet.

    And with a good reason, as they have to battle our arch-nemesis, climate change, threatening to bring humanity's stint on this good Earth to a premature end.

    Energy Out of Thin Air

    But lo and behold, we have the latest episode of scientific chutzpah. A bunch of scientists has cooked up a scheme to coax electricity out of, wait for it…thin air!

    Now, I know it sounds like we're trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat or play David Copperfield, but bear with us.

    This is all solid science, although it's still in its embryonic stage.

    Building on some earlier lab wizardry, which involved yanking energy from moist air using material ripped off from bacteria (ouch!), this new study takes it a notch higher.

    It contends that almost any material, from the humble silicon chip to the piece of wood you stub your toe on, can now join the party.

    The trick, my dear Watson, is to perforate these materials with nanopores smaller than 100 nanometers in diameter.

    To put it into perspective, that's about one thousandth the size of a single strand of your luscious hair!

    This meticulous act of making Swiss cheese out of the material enables the harvesting of electricity produced by tiny water droplets in the humid air.

    Generic Air-Gen Effect

    The technique, baptized the "generic Air-gen effect," harnesses what's known as a "mean free path," the average distance a single water molecule can merrily skip along before bumping into one of its brethren.

    When our humid air struts through these infinitesimal holes in the Air-gen material, the water molecules engage in an elegant dance, prancing from the upper chamber of the film to the lower one, creating an electrifying love story, also known as electricity!

    But it's not some newfangled contraption, this is the same science that happens in a storm cloud.

    Only here, it takes place in a tiny, human-made setup, reliably and predictably generating electricity that we can siphon off, as Jun Yao, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at UMass Amherst and the paper's senior author, explains.

    And here's the cherry on the cake: since air humidity permeates in a 3D space, and the thickness of the Air-gen device is only a fraction of your hair's width, we can pile thousands of these devices on top of each other, augmenting the energy output without turning your backyard into an energy farm.

    But wait, there's more! This moisture-harvesting prodigy works around the clock, come rain or shine, wind or calm, unlike its needy cousins, wind and solar power.

    And there you have it: a breathtaking solution to one of the most significant drawbacks of renewable energy technologies, according to the excited authors.

    Now, if only they can figure out how to milk power from my incessant blabbering!

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