  • ActOnMagic is a cloud insights company that provides complete visibility into and control over customer business and operational challenges. ActOnMagic was founded this year by Madan Ganesh Velayudham, a computer science engineer by degree.

    Madan is an entrepreneur, innovator, an experienced professional in the area of Cloud Service Brokerage, IaaS, PaaS, Predictive Analytics, Private Cloud and Server Technologies. His previous venture was named GoGuroo that he had started it in the year 2011. Madan completed Computer Science engineering from PSG College of Technology in the year 2001 and has work experience of over a decade.

    In an exclusive interview with, we got Madan to talk about his experiences at ActOnMagic, the changes in the educational system in India since the year 2001, his source of inspiration, instances from his life when Madan thought he would quit but did not, the passion of his life and a lot more. Read on!

    MadanGanesh-ActOnMagic-CrazyEngineers Madan Ganesh Velayudham

    CE: Hello Madan. Could you tell our readers about ActOnMagic?

    ActOnMagic is an intelligent cloud analytics platform company, where we help service providers and enterprises to make intelligent decision on their cloud.

    ActOnCloud, our first offering, is an real-time operation BI + Analytics + Control platform for Cloud infrastructure and business. In layman’s terms, you use actoncloud to analyse & visualise your cloud infrastructure and your customers/usage. actoncloud provides you recommendation on how to retain your customers, how to increase your revenue, how to eliminate inefficiencies in your datacenter/cloud,

    CE: You completed your graduation in the year 2001. How do you think the Education system in India has changed since then?

    I would say - Students have become more clever due to the access to the massive

    educational content available in Internet. Restricting myself to only computer science, our UG educational systems have become redundant partially and would think of every theory aspects with practical/exploratory/do-it-yourself kind of projects. I could not avoid the dilemma between choosing to join a startup as a way to get the practical experience against spending theoretical and not useful lectures for 3-4 years!

    CE:  Describe a time when you wanted to quit, but didn't.


    There is a famous saying - “Employees don’t quit the company, They quit the manager!”

    I was not an exception to it. On a weekend in 2009, I came across a book called “Before you quit you job!”. By curiosity, started reading the book and realized what I was missing in life! Entrepreneurship! its a sport! Then, I decided that its time to learn the intricacies of startup, business, so decided to quit the MNC and join a startup!

    CE:  Do you prefer to be with those who are younger or older than you are?

    Prefer to choose a balance of both. I need the speed and curiosity of younger crowd with the wisdom of older or experienced crowd.

    CE:  Who in your life has influenced you the most? How did they do it?

    Obviously I would quote my father. However I would say. Mr. Ravi Gururaj. - serial entrepreneur, a living encyclopedia of sense of humor and data to the lowest level. He showed the characteristics of being best in everything what he does.

    Apart from them, Victor Franklyn, Steven R Covey and Robin Sharma for obvious reasons.

    MadanGanesh-ActOnMagic-CrazyEngineers1 MadanGanesh-ActOnMagic-CrazyEngineers2 The Team

    CE: What is the one cause that you feel most passionate about?

    Helping others who are in need!

    CE:  If you could pick one thing to change about your job, what would it be?


    I do not work! I breath ActOnMagic and startups.

    CE:  If you had to spend a day not using any technology, what would you do?

    Jump into WonderLa for the first half! Jump into Art Of Living for the second half!

    CE: Thank you for the time you have spent with us. Any message for budding engineers?


    One life! Do you want to be a leader or a follower? Choice is yours. Make yourself proud and your parents proud!

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