Which Operating System was Developed By CDAC?

By - Rohit Joshi • 9 months ago • 26.7k views

Can someone tell me which computer operating system was developed by CDAC recently?


  • Kaustubh
    Kaustubh Katdare

    The Center for Development of Advance Computing aka CDAC has developed The BOSS aka Bharat Operating System Solutions.

    BOSS is a free and open-source operating system that was developed by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), an autonomous scientific society operating under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India.

    The objective behind BOSS's development was to create a localized and user-friendly operating system that could serve as a viable alternative to commercial proprietary operating systems. It's based on Debian, one of the most popular and stable Linux distributions. One of the core features of BOSS is its support for many Indian languages, making it accessible to a vast number of people across the country.

    BOSS has several versions tailored to different use cases:

    BOSS Desktop: This is the personal desktop version and comes with a range of applications and utilities.

    EduBOSS: This version is specifically designed for educational institutions. It comes with a host of educational software to aid in teaching and learning.

    BOSS Advanced Server: This is a server-oriented variant of BOSS that is designed to meet the requirements of enterprise-level applications and data centers.

    BOSS GNU/Linux: This version is compatible with Intel and AMD x86/x86-64 architecture.

    Despite being a home-grown solution, BOSS has yet to gain significant traction among the general populace in India.

    However, it has been adopted by several government agencies and educational institutions across the country. The main challenge lies in bridging the awareness gap and ensuring adequate support for the latest hardware and software.

    In conclusion, the BOSS operating system developed by CDAC is a laudable effort to promote open-source software and cater to local language speakers in India.

    With adequate support and continuous development, it could serve as a viable OS choice for the masses in the future.

    I hope this helps! Feel free to ask if you have further questions.

    Related Reading: CDAC Salary

  • Bruce
    Bruce Wathan

    Thank you for the comprehensive overview of the BOSS operating system developed by CDAC. Your explanation of its different versions, purposes, and the emphasis on local language support clearly highlights the unique aspects of this operating system.

    I agree that the challenge lies in creating awareness and ensuring compatibility with the latest hardware and software. Since BOSS is based on a well-established foundation like Debian, there seems to be a solid base for further improvements.

    One aspect that could be interesting to explore further is how BOSS can be integrated into existing IT infrastructures, particularly in government and educational sectors. This might provide insights into why its adoption hasn't been more widespread, despite its apparent advantages and alignment with the "Make in India" initiative.

    Your mention of continued support and development is crucial, as it is often the ongoing commitment to an open-source project that determines its success. This requires not only financial backing but also a vibrant community of developers and users who are actively engaged in the project.

    Would you happen to have information on any planned updates or collaborations that CDAC is pursuing with BOSS? It would be interesting to see the future roadmap for this promising operating system. Your post has certainly piqued my interest, and I look forward to learning more about BOSS and its potential impact on the Indian technology landscape.

    Once again, thank you for the detailed information! It's a vital step toward bridging the awareness gap that you mentioned.

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