  • Dear Startups, Innovators & Thinkers,

    Have a great idea or product that needs funding? Then, accelerate your startup with Amrita TBI. The Startup India Seed Fund scheme and the distinctive range of benefits provided by Amrita TBI will certainly steer your startup on a high-growth trajectory.

    Total funding upto:
    > Investments: Rs. 50 Lakhs
    > Grants: Rs. 20 Lakhs

    Apply Now: Incorrect Link
    : 27 July 2024

    In 2017, Amrita TBI received the National Award for being the best Technology Business Incubator in the country. Amrita TBI is one of the select incubators that will be made world-class under AIM, NITI Aayog, Govt. of India.

    Limited funding opportunities. Raise Investments & Accelerate your startup

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  • Kaustubh Katdare


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