  • Just like thousands of engineers in India who struggle through the four years of their engineering because they opted for it for fulfilling their parent's wishes, Jitendra Vaswani joined Jaipur's Rajasthan Technical University to get his Bachelor's degree in Information Technology. He literally dragged his feet through his engineering days and as soon as he graduated, he decided to make a career as a SEO executive in startup. He quickly realised that he was interested in Digital Marketing. So, he started developing his skills in that domain.

    After spending 2.5 years at in the SEO domain with various startups such as Youthsphere, FirstCry and Zopper, Jitendra decided to write about all the knowledge he had acquired. What better medium to reach out to thousands other than blogging. So, he gave a go to full-time blogging in the year 2014. His first official blog is called #-Link-Snipped-# which is dedicated to information about digital marketing and blogging tips.

    Interestingly, Jitendra has still not informed his family about his full-time blogging thing. He feels that parents in India think too much about society and don't care about the feelings of their own children. He is waiting for the right moment to break the news to them and till then wants to continue his journey and take it to the next level. He says, "Never listen to your relatives. Just focus on your dreams. Whatever you want to achieve in your life, you can achieve it if you strike hard."

    In an exclusive interview with us, Jitendra Vaswani shares his exciting journey with us, how he keeps himself motivated, his future plans and a lot more. Read on!

    Jitendra Vaswani, Founder - BloggersIdeas
    CE: Tell us more about your journey working as SEO Expert at FirstCry, Zopper and YouthSphere?

    Jitendra Vaswani:
    I was working at these companies as an SEO specialist but this 'job' thing was not for me and I realized it soon. Because work style at jobs was restricted, I could not share my ideas. I could only do the work which was assigned to me. I wanted to pursue creativity and was craving for more exposure in digital marketing. Therefore, I decided to leave my job. In 2014, after quitting my job, I started doing blogging full time. Today, Blogging has become my passion for life.

    CE: Our readers would love to read more about your Tech Blog TechNoven and Digital Market Agency - Digiexe.

    Jitendra Vaswani: Besides my blog, I also run my tech blog TechNoven for sharing tech news on my blog. I use this blog for sharing sponsored reviews & selling advertisement space. I have several other blogs which I run only for making money.

    The thing is - to make money online, I did not want to depend on single source of income. So, my advice to newbie bloggers who want to opt for blogging as their full time career, that's something you need to follow. Always have multiple sources of income.

    CE: What led you to the idea behind BloggersIdeas? What is BloggerIdeas all about?

    Jitendra Vaswani:
    The idea behind BloggersIdeas was to open a blog where I can share my strategies and business tips for bloggers who want to know more about blogging and making money online.

    BloggersIdeas is now my baby and I cannot live without this blog. I treat my blog like a girlfriend and BloggersIdeas has given me so much in my life that I couldn’t dream of.

    CE: Why did you choose to blog about blogging?

    Jitendra Vaswani: I chose to blog about blogging because I am expert at this niche. So my word of advice is that - whichever niche you are good at, always work on that first. I am good at this niche so I chose blogging. If you are good at technology then start by choosing 'tech' as your niche. It all depends on which niche you are comfortable writing in. You can check my blog post here: Top Best Trusted Websites to Make Money Online From Home (2023)

    CE: How do you keep yourself motivated on low days?

    Jitendra Vaswani:
    I keep myself motivated by watching TED talks, talking to people who understand me and hanging out with people whom I like. So if you follow these tips I am sure you will be motivated and ready to grow at 10x speed. Avoid negative people and always surround yourself with positive vibes.

    I also follow some top notch entrepreneurs who always inspire me to hustle. Some of my idols include - Neil Patel, Lewis Howes, Tai lopez, Gary Vaynerchuk, Marie Forleo, Ali Brown , Chris Ducker, Mike Dillard are the few names who inspire me to dream bigger.

    CE: What challenges on technical front did you face while setting up BloggersIdeas?

    Jitendra Vaswani: The technical challenges I faced while setting up BloggersIdeas were related to coding because I am handicapped when it comes to writing code. So, it has always been a difficult task for me to hire developers who can manage my blog design and handle server issues. I believe that if you knew about all these hurdles in advance, then setting up a blog will be a lot easier for you. I am learning these things slowly. My advice for readers is to hire right set of people who can do this work for you. Here 'trust' is very important factor.


    CE: What is the one craziest thing you have done or had to do while running BloggersIdeas.

    Jitendra Vaswani: I have done lots of experiments on BloggersIdeas. When I started this blog I installed many Wordpress plugins and crashed my blog. I no more do stupid things like changing design of blogs every now & then. On BloggersIdeas I have done a lot of A/B testing and from these mistakes I learned a lot.

    CE: How big is BloggerIdeas at the moment? How do you plan to scale up from here?

    Jitendra Vaswani:
    BloggersIdeas is one of India's top digital marketing blog. I am already in the 'Top 20 bloggers in India' list. I am planning to take this blog to next level by selling my blog's theme and launching my own products.

    Through blogging, I have built a good brand name and now it's time to launch some of my own products that will generate more revenues. Recurring income is the formula here.

    CE: What is your revenue model? Are you profitable?

    Jitendra Vaswani: Yes, my model is profitable. I do affiliate marketing, have paid reviews & sell advertisements on my blog. Through BloggersIdeas, I have been able to live the life I always wanted to live. I have so much freedom in my life. I am going to various international digital marketing conferences, meeting a lot of experts in my niche and learning so many things from them.

    CE: How does being an entrepreneur change you?

    Jitendra Vaswani:
    As an entrepreneur, I have changed a lot as a person and I get to learn a lot of things which I couldn't in my previous jobs. I am meeting experts online and learning form them. My networking skills have surely improved and I have slowly learned how to run a successful business. Entrepreneurship has surely kindled the fire in me. Most importantly, it has given a lot of confidence. My stage fear does not exist anymore and I am more confident to speak in front of a huge gathering.

    CE: What is your message to your readers?

    Jitendra Vaswani: My message for readers would be - Start working on whatever you are good at and never give up on your dreams.


    Founders Circuit (The Venture Capture Series) is our ambitious initiative at CrazyEngineers to discover new startups and ventures from all over the world and showcase them in front of millions of fellow crazy engineers based in over 180 countries.

    Note To Readers: If you believe in our vision, please help by suggesting new startup companies to our team. It does not matter how small or big the startup is; whether it has raised funding or has achieved any milestone. Leave all the hard work of selection of startups to feature in Founders Circuit to our team. If the startup you suggested gets featured; we will proudly mention your name in the featured write-up. You can #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorDec 1, 2015

    Amazing interview!
    Jitendra has still not informed his family about his full-time blogging thing. He feels that parents in India think too much about society and don't care about the feelings of their own children.
    It is really unfortunate that children have to hide from their parents about their own choices and passion. A lot of entrepreneurs have to do this to avoid nasty remarks from parents, friends and relatives. The society needs to become more welcoming and appreciative of the next generation trying to boldly face their challenges and working for their passion.

    All the best to Jitendra for his upcoming endeavours. 👍
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