Headlamp or penlight, which light is better for camping ?

I am going to a camping trip next month and I want to buy a camping light. Convenience and light weight are the most important features , headlamp or penlight, which is better ? Which kind of camping lights are you using ? my friend are using the heavy professional camping torch, but I don't want a heavy one .


  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    Solar powered LED lanterns are available in the market.
  • KZ 259
    KZ 259
    LED is the best way to go as far as efficiency is concerned. wouldn't a penlight be too small to do any proper lighting? especially in a camping scenario?
  • aj_onduty
    If you want to go out exploring, you are making a good choice by opting out of the Heavy light sources. Use a powerful Head light, you don't need to care about handling it then, But there are pen-lights, or hand held cylindrical flashlights, which are awesome in the brightness they can give. Use LED ones. You get real powerful ones in the market. Please use genuine ones, preferably branded lights, with proper Guarantee in the performance.

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