Summary of What's New in Chat GPT - 4

By Kaustubh Katdareon Wed, Mar 15, 2023 9:39 AM (IST)
OpenAI announced ChatGPT-4 a few hours ago. Here's a summ...

OpenAI announced ChatGPT-4 a few hours ago. Here's a summary of what's new in ChatGPT - 4

  1. ChatGPT-4 Understands Images : It can extract relevant information from images.

  2. ** Smarter ** : You can't easily trick it. It's more factual and trained on several malicious prompts.

  3. 32,768 Tokens: It can remember more tokens (~50 pages of text), which would help keep the context.

  4. 26 Languages: It now understands 26 languages for input and output.

  5. Multiple Personalities : Can respond as different personalities. The GPT-3.5 only had one, default personality.

About Author:
Kaustubh Katdare
Kaustubh Katdare is an avid technology blogger and a tech-enthusiast.