Making Rocket Fuel On Mars Using Microbes

By Kaustubh Katdareon Sat, Oct 30, 2021 3:03 PM (IST)
The trips to Mars are currently one-way; because the size...

The trips to Mars are currently one-way; because the size of the rockets required to ferry back the astronauts would be too big. In order to make reusable rockets, we'll have to develop ability to create our own rocket fuel on Mars - and now we've some hope. Georgia Tech scientists have used cyanobacteria (algae) and E. coli to develop 2,3-butanediol.

“Application of biotechnology on Mars is a perfect way to make use of limited available resources with minimal starting materials.”, said Nick Kruyer - author of the study.

About Author:
Kaustubh Katdare
Kaustubh Katdare is an avid technology blogger and a tech-enthusiast.