Google MusicLM Generates Music from Text - Blows Mind

By Kaustubh Katdareon Tue, Jan 31, 2023 11:07 PM (IST)
Google Music LM can generate music from text. That is, if...

Google Music LM can generate music from text. That is, if you tell it to create "a soothing guitar music with ocean waves and cello", it will quickly create a track for you. The input could be text or an image or caption and the output is in the form of 24 kHz stream.

Google isn't launching Google Music LM for public consumption yet. Google had introduced AudioLM - a framework for high-quality audio generation with long-term consistency. Do look at it on the source link below.

About Author:
Kaustubh Katdare
Kaustubh Katdare is an avid technology blogger and a tech-enthusiast.