CyberDog - The Xiaomi Robot Dog Is Meant for Developers

By Kaustubh Katdareon Wed, Aug 11, 2021 10:10 AM (IST)
Xiaomi's Cyberdog looks like a 'healthier' version of Bos...

Xiaomi's Cyberdog looks like a 'healthier' version of Boston Dynamics 'SPOT' - the quadruped that impresses every engineer with its smooth moves. Currently only available for 1000 Xiaomi hardcore fans and devs for $1540; Xiaomi says the CyberDog is packed with 11 sensors, proprietary servo motors, cameras and GPS. The machine is controlled by NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX which they call it the world's smallest AI supercomputer. CyberDog can track human faces and pick individuals in a group. Xiaomi wants the devs and engineers to explore the possibilities with CyberDog. Impressive!

About Author:
Kaustubh Katdare
Kaustubh Katdare is an avid technology blogger and a tech-enthusiast.