Bing Search Sees Ray of Hope with ChatGPT

By Kaustubh Katdareon Fri, Feb 10, 2023 7:29 PM (IST)
Microsoft's Bing search engine has been living under the...

Microsoft's Bing search engine has been living under the shadows of Google since its birth. However, ever since Microsoft announced integration with ChatGPT, Bing's mobile app has seen 10x jump in downloads.

It's the first time in decades that someone's showing potential to threaten Google's supremacy in web search. Looks like people are super excited to try out how Microsoft is integrating ChatGPT in its search engine.

We can't wait for Google to integrate BARD in its search. Check out the new Bing on the source link below.

About Author:
Kaustubh Katdare
Kaustubh Katdare is an avid technology blogger and a tech-enthusiast.