  • Quote:
    In a letter to the Daily Telegraph, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, along with 16 major UK engineering companies has warned that the government's plan to downgrade the Engineering Diploma for 14-19 year olds from being worth five GCSEs to one undermines efforts to attract a new generation to the profession. Should industry take an active role in determining the content and value of educational qualifications?

    In my view Engineering is an industry based activity and not just an academic one. I feel that industry, which provides gainful employment to engineers, can have a say in the content of engineering education.

    What is the view of CEans in general?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 26, 2012

    I just wished that the Industry was actively involved with the educational institutions. It's very sad to see bright engineering graduates who have absolutely no clue what it is like to work in the industry and what to expect.

    What I experienced during my trip in Israel was that the companies like Intel, Microsoft & Qualcomm were actively involved with the Universities and actually employed students on research projects.

    Talking about India - the current Industry does not require 'engineers'. That's the reason they do just fine with any average engineering graduate.

    I dream of a day when the innovative engineering companies work with the academicians to decide what to teach in classrooms.
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberJan 26, 2012

    Yes they should, they must!
    There should be more practicals conducted, where the students get an exposure of live projects.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberFeb 1, 2012

    An update:
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 4, 2012

    What about our other CEans? Got comments, opinions, views? 😀
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  • durga ch

    MemberFeb 4, 2012

    Compnaies drive technological innovations, That is what i feel at least. The R&D work at engineering companies is much more utlised than the academic R&D. The reason being - they know what the problems are in real time, rather than just taking up a hypothetical issue.
    There participation is very much needed to determine what exactly needs to be taught
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 4, 2012

    @Durga: Academic R&D should be in sync with what's required in the industries or lead to accelerating the industrial growth. At least it's true about the engineering & technology R&D.

    However, the problem is far from being related to the research. Industries don't even participate (or let's blame the academic institutions for this void) in the academics to shape what's being taught & how it's done.

    It'd be a wonderful day when companies like BMW or say TATA participate in designing the course material or develop a new engine/car along with the students. Or am I just thinking too ahead of the times?
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberFeb 4, 2012

    @Durga: Academic R&D should be in sync with what's required in the industries or lead to accelerating the industrial growth. At least it's true about the engineering & technology R&D.

    However, the problem is far from being related to the research. Industries don't even participate (or let's blame the academic institutions for this void) in the academics to shape what's being taught & how it's done.

    It'd be a wonderful day when companies like BMW or say TATA participate in designing the course material or develop a new engine/car along with the students. Or am I just thinking too ahead of the times?
    I think that it would happen sooner than later.
    The IIT Madras research park is a start in the right direction:
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  • durga ch

    MemberFeb 4, 2012

    @Big K - I was highligting one facet of the problem (R&D) and as far as academic research being in sycn with Industries. I agree industries sometime collaborate with educational institutions to drive research work, but in real they would only drive. The example what i can give is various standards each big player has. Nevertheless, the process of industries particiapting in syllabus formulation has already being . For example - there is this course taught in UNSW incollaboration with Cisco. Employees of Cisco would come and discuss various issues higlighted in the course 1 hr each day.
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