  • We often talk about fixing engineering education, but most of the things would lie with policy makers. The process of fixing engineering education begins with identifying the pain-points that need to be fixed on priority basis. The second step would be coming up with solutions we can implement at 'our level'.

    So, let's begin by identifying the pain points of engineering education. Let me begin.

    1. Engineering education revolves mostly about examinations which are basically mug-up:reproduce types. A better examination system might drive the students to pay attention to 'understanding' than just mugging up stuff.

    2. A lot of irrelevant topics are included in the syllabus.

    3. The mode of imparting engineering education has to be better which generates more interest from students. Does this mean we need to focus more on practicals than theory? But from my own experience, unless there's some familiarity with the theory - practicals would mostly be useless. It can be reversed though - first show 'how it works' then talk about theory.

    Looking forward to more pain points and possible solutions.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberJun 2, 2013

    Why blame one end alone we students can overself make this system better

    Every institution allows a student to have "RESEARCH ABSENCE" Why not use it well?

    By our own interest we can work on our own journal for a few weeks and that will work wonders to or GRE SCORES as well

    This can be a small step from our part
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    MemberJun 29, 2013

    Its not that engineering as done today absolutely wrong way of doing engineering , although there can be further improvements .
    First we must try to understand what is engineering ?
    Engineering focuses on the application part of the theory , we are the creators and we have the liability to apply what we have learnt . Just blaming the system is not going to take us away from our responsibilities .

    For now , lemme give you what we have to passionate about ..
    1. The first and the very successful example is set by CreazyEngineers website..the void was felt, realized and hence the website was created.Hence we have to realize the voids in the society and fill it.

    2. We have to create (things coming to my mind are)-
    As I m a Civil Engineer
    - we can prepare a Soil Database of India dividing the Nation into regions having a particular Soil Type and along with it showing its Engineering Properties on Web interactively as they are always needed before any construction.

    The point which I want to make is that , We have to think Innovative with knowledge as a resource !
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  • rahul69

    MemberJun 29, 2013

    What we can do? Well we can do a lot of things, one such laudable step was the launch of CE Resources section which empowered members to share really valuable resources with each other.
    Ideas can be developed on similar lines to upload (possibly video) tutorials made by CEans for Engineering community,and it will really help engineers struggling with certain subjects to understand it easily.
    Think about it, it may change the lives of future engineers 😒
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