  • Sahithi

    MemberJan 24, 2012

    Swagatam to KYVoiCEan :)

    Howdy Folks 😀 I'm back with a Big Bang of Technocrats. Are you thinking about the title? Well, We know that Lots of CEans, Loads of techno phile(like me) reads our VoiCE articles daily. But we don’t know much about the technocrats who also play a very important role in CE's growth. Shouldn't we know about them?
    Here, I present an interview of A Shooter, A Game Designer, A Reader, A Writer, A Gadget lover and also A Music lover. He is a first year MCA student who is looking forward to work in a industry with lots of hopes and expectations. He finds his happiness by keeping everyone happy and entertained all the time by any means possible. #-Link-Snipped-# aka Swagatam Mukherjee who loves learning new things and exploring it. We interviewd him and it’s really our pleasure to present his words hereâ€Â¦

    CE : Hi Swagatam, You are a Crazy Computer science Engineer. Tell us more about yourself.
    Swagatam : Yes, I'm a real Crazy Computer Science Engineer. It was the year 2000 when dad got a Pentium III PC for his work. I was in 5th or 6th grade. When dad wasn't home I used to play Superbike and some DOS games like Mario and Dave. Then I went on learning how the computer works and started experimenting how things worked when clicked on them. I found them amusing and started developing interest in knowing more. After few years of nagging the PC day in and day out, I decided what I liked more than studying, doing anything related to computers. And here I am, studying all about computers and loving every bit of this technology.

    CE : How did you discover CE?
    Swagatam : I was searching for some topic, exactly what I don't remember, but the first link that appeared on Google was from CE, as the title of my search matched exactly with the terms written in the post. I liked the style of writing and I think the post was by Biggee and then I kept on visiting to read other posts as I love reading about technology a lot.

    CE : What is your goal? And how are you planning to achieve it?
    Swagatam : My goal is doing something for which I would be recognized for in the future, especially in Game designing. I would like to improve the visual aspect of games, which is quite stunning now but the same experience can't be had on lower configuration machines. I would like to change that.

    CE : Why your interest lies in Game designing when there are lot of areas in computer?
    Swagatam : Gaming has been fascinating me since day one and there aren't many people in India taking up developing and designing games as a serious profession. Yes, recent with the coming of different companies like EA, Ubisoft and others to India has sparked some interest among youngsters but that still does not interest parents to inspire their kids to take this as serious profession. And I have been happy playing games made by others, but now I want to make some games which others would play. And you know how it feels when you see something, made by you, is making others happy. 😀

    CE : Have you designed any games? If yes, share some of the games you have designed with us.
    Swagatam : I'm working on making a small shooting game and I'm facing some problems in the programming side which would be overcome soon and then I plan to have a website of my own sharing the game and some other designing works which I've already started working on.

    CE : "My dream is keeping everyone happy and entertained all the time by any means possible. This gives me more happiness than anything else". Glad to know that. How are you going to make us happy? J
    Swagatam : Keep an eye on CE for next few years, you'll definitely find stuffs improving around in here and in some way I may be the catalyst of change. 😀

    CE : What are your achievements so far?
    Swagatam : One of the biggest achievement till date is a Gold in shooting at National Level NCC camp and receiving the medal from the then Chief of India Army. And some others include being recognized at State level Shooting by Chief Minister.

    CE : Its great to know that you have done some achievements in shooting. How you got into Shooting?
    Swagatam : I went to NCC camp for the first time and we had three chances to shoot. As we were first-timers so our instructors didn't care much about anyone but found me doing great without any previous experience. I was given around ten more chances after which they let me know that I was selected for more training and if I performed well, I could be representing the state. I kept on improving in every training session and went to the top leaving behind other cadets from different places of the state.

    CE : What makes you stand out from others in this competitive world?
    Swagatam : Having an unique personality and a charm of getting someone impressed over ideas and discussions helps a lot in being that "different" person in the crowd. And I tend to possess all of the above stated traits.

    CE : We have lots of CEans who used to play lots of Games J Can you tell us some interesting Games you come across?
    Swagatam : I have been playing games for quite a long time now and some games that have made me say 'this is IT' are Road Rash, Crysis 2, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Medal of Honor, Modern Warfare series and Bejeweled 3.

    CE : What else fascinates you apart from Games and technology?
    Swagatam : Apart from games and technology, I have a fascination for shooting and superbikes.

    CE : Its time to ask about your favorite Voice author in CE and let us know why?
    Swagatam : I love writings of Biggie and Ishan. They make the posts more interesting to read. And of course special mention of Ankita, she's got a different style of writing.

    CE : How would you spend a day without your Computer?
    Swagatam : That's a pretty tough question. May be I would be hooked on to my iPod all day long.

    CE : How̢۪s your journey being as a Voice author in this great platform? Share your experience with us.
    Swagatam : It is definitely a great experience. Was never a part of such a big group before and being one of the team members of VoiCE does makes me feel proud.

    CE : Who are your idols or inspirations?
    Swagatam : I idolize my parents and Sourav Ganguly. I look up to my parents and learn how they brought me up in tough conditions without saying or making me feel of any trouble they faced during the financial crisis when I was young and Sourav Ganguly because of his will to fight back and succeed.

    CE : What changes you found in yourself before and after joining CE?
    Swagatam : CE gave me a platform for expressing what I love the most, i.e. Technology. And I have improved a lot in my writing, reading, researching and expressing techniques only because of CE.
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberJan 24, 2012


    1. How many CEans do you know excluding VoiCE authors?
    Swagatam : I'm quiet new to the forums, so I would require some more time in knowing everyone.

    2. Describe yourself in one word?
    Swagatam : Resourceful

    3. Your biggest blooper till date is?
    Swagatam : Having my head busted open by falling down during NCC selection in front of around 300 students.

    4. A moment you can never forget.
    Swagatam : Winning the Gold in shooting at Delhi.

    5. If you are granted 3 wishes, what would you ask for?
    Swagatam : I would ask for:
    1. Entertaining and satisfying job.
    2. A BMW Z4 and
    3. a whole lot of money ( 😛 )

    6. Name the 3 things that you hate the most.
    Swagatam : 1. Ego
    2. Lies and
    3. Distrust.

    7. What do you like the most about yourself?
    Swagatam : Honesty and the hunger to learn more.

    8. If you were not an engineer, you would be?
    Swagatam : A Journalist (most probably photo journalist).

    9. What do you like the most about CE?
    Swagatam : The helping nature of members and the open discussions which take place over this virtual platform.

    We wish you a Very Great Future, Swagatam and We are glad to have you on CE

    And Many Thanks to helping hand Reya 😀
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  • Reya

    MemberJan 24, 2012

    Glad to know about you,Swagatam 😀

    Looking forward to be super active in forum😎

    @Sada: You are one step ahead in the ladder 😀😁
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberJan 24, 2012

    Awesome interview. 😀
    Good to know about you, Swagatam.
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  • K!r@nS!ngu

    MemberJan 24, 2012

    Swagatam..... good to know about you in detailed....
    Nice interview by SADA...
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 24, 2012

    I remember playing 'Unreal' on my first ever PC. I got so impressed by games on PC that I decided to develop games. But I did not know how to start. So I wrote to the developers of Unreal. I got a response that it involves hardcore programming and ability to write your own C/C++ rendering engines.

    Developing game is still a distant dream. Hopefully CE will release our own branded game in future.
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    MemberJan 26, 2012

    @Swagatam: Never knew that you achieved Gold in shooting! A rare accomplishment. Have you continued with the sport then? 😀

    @Sada: You are one step ahead in the ladder 😀😁
    Awesome Sada! Er..Which ladder? 😁
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  • Swagatam M

    MemberJan 26, 2012

    @Swagatam: Never knew that you achieved Gold in shooting! A rare accomplishment. Have you continued with the sport then? 😀
    Now I just attend camps and championships held here. For me it's quite a costly sport to continue on a regular basis.
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    MemberJan 26, 2012

    Hopefully CE will release our own branded game in future.
    I hate this very thing. You can do awesome things without shedding a drop of sweat just with a laptop! 👎
    Best of luck 👍 Congratulations in advance 😀
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  • Gurjeet Singh

    MemberJan 31, 2012

    Awsesome interview nice to know about you swagatam!!
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberJan 31, 2012

    Another gem discovered by CE , Sada & CD.

    Nice interview guys. 😀
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 1, 2012

    Whoa! I missed this interview.

    Great replies, Swagatam! 👍
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  • Ambarish Ganesh

    MemberFeb 1, 2012

    Swagatam : One of the biggest achievement till date is a Gold in shooting at National Level NCC camp and receiving the medal from the then Chief of India Army. And some others include being recognized at State level Shooting by Chief Minister.
    Respect Man! 👍 Great interview Sada! 😀
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  • sowjitha

    MemberFeb 13, 2012

    Impressive Interview
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