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  • KSS Manian

    MemberJan 30, 2014

    I am not working on this. if you share your requirement exactly. which of the part in hydro power.?? let me try to find.
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  • sabind007

    MemberJan 30, 2014

    i need it from weir to powerhouse..
    that includes weir, gravel trap, desander, canal, anchor blocks and powerhouse also machine foundation of powerhouse...
    i'll be very thankful if u can provide me the tutorials 😀
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  • KSS Manian

    MemberFeb 5, 2014

    sorry for the belated reply.

    I don't think descander can be modeled in STAAD. You can try with ANSYS etc.
    I hope gravel trap is a collection of gravel similar we can find the race tracks. I don't know is'nt really required??

    Machine foundation you can do with STAAD foundation software or you can do manually also. you required all the details like machine vibration frequency, static, dynamic etc.
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