OpenXC Globalized; Customizing Cars With Market Specific Apps To Be Lot Easier

Network Connectivity has become buzz word in automotive sector. Today's auto companies are focusing more on providing in-built entertainment and connectivity options. This has resulted in auto companies stressing on car #-Link-Snipped-#. Continuing this trend, leading automobile company Ford, is hunting for local talent in developing state of art features with its OpenXC Research Platform.

Image Credit: imobile One

Ford recently globalized its research platform in a hope to tap entrepreneurs working on mobile applications. The OpenXC platform is designed to take care of their needs while making Ford vehicles more advanced in #-Link-Snipped-#. The attempt by Ford is expected to become a platform between the infotainment design engineers and automobiles.

It is often difficult to produce customized cars in mass production. This many times leads to unsatisfied customers. Hiring local talent to install required technology would be a unique solution for such problems. In other words designing market specific apps. With OpenXC-a hardware and software platform for local talent, customizing a small number of its cars every time would be possible.

Speaking at #-Link-Snipped-#, Venkatesh Prasad stressed upon the importance of the platform. He also demonstrated a third party app developed by #-Link-Snipped-#. The app can respond to a select number of people and convey our delay to them. All this is done by keeping a track of your vehicle parameter such as speed etc. Moreover, the automobile giant is keen on having this platform in developing economies like India.

Even so, there was a growing emphasis upon the quality time spent while moving from place A to place B. With OpenXC, the immediate concerns of customers and Ford are addressed. This will evolve a beautiful Ford-local business partnership model. ON an experimental basis, Ford has shipped its OpenXC tool kit to quite a #-Link-Snipped-#. This includes MIT, Stanford and Michigan Universities. We expect to see the implementation of this scheme in developing markets soon.


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