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  • Rupam Das

    MemberDec 26, 2012

    Cant remember 'Times', but for past Ten years I have been developing technologies that comes into existence after four years and yet unable to convert any of them to 'Great Commercial Success'.
    And I keep on trying. Every failure is a lesson and at least I have many lessons.
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberDec 26, 2012

    There are many great inspiring 'try's here in India too! There was one great poet Mr. Michel Madhusudhan Dutta, who went to Britain to try his luck in poetry and was literally starving. He was brought back to India by many other Bengali scholars only for him to pen down one of the Literary brilliance "Meghnad Badh" ( I wish you could read Bengali).
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberDec 26, 2012

    Back in our high school we had our English teacher Mr. Bidtyut ( I have unforunately forgotten his last name) who was blind since the age of 12. And he was appointed by Government and later facilitated for his excellent teaching.

    He could write in the board with utmost flair and ease with a handwriting that many others would envy. Once he told me "It took me 15 years to write without seeing."
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