  • down the ages we are been lacking self sustained technologies ..especially fighter jets..either from the russians wheras missiles counterparts from israel,france and so on..guys don't you think we need more of these indigenous technologies to safeguard our nation like the lockheed martins and the MIG ..we have made good advancement in aerospace technologies yet why there is very little investment in this sector, far we will be @ other country's mercy.. SO DEFENCE INCOMPLETE?
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  • pratap singh, upendra

    MemberMay 23, 2013

    It's not only the Indian air force but all three wings of defense that are facing the same situation; and nobody is to be blamed but the reckless policies of the government and the people who elect such politicians. To add to it, this situation is gaining immense light because our technologies are being challenged every now and then and brain drain is not accountable for this fact.

    The Government pays little if any heed to the development of the defense and its personnel. Various lucrative offers that should have been present(and those which of course exist in foreign) lack an identity. This seems to be the most prominent reason for such a mishap to the defense of the country. The qualified engineers remain comfortable working in private firms in the country and also abroad. This makes the defense to look to foreign countries for advanced weapons and equipment to sustain their existence. With this situation under light the government is not only making Indian currency to go abroad(thereby declining the economy of the country) but also paves a way for our increased dependence on other countries.

    let us hope that people get enlightened to save their motherland from such a impasse...
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