GRE Dates Running Out

For those who plan to take the old GRE pattern test, book /register for the test as soon as possible. The dates are running out and there will obviously be a huge rush for in July as it will be the last month in which exams for the old pattern could be taken.

Locate the nearest test center, the one you are comfortable with. It could be the case that the center where you planned to give the test are already full. In that case, look for the best possible center and book your seats.

PS: Passport is not necessary while booking the seat. All you need is a net connection and an international credit/master card.

So hurry! ๐Ÿ˜


  • Neema Ambhurkar
    Neema Ambhurkar
    A very important measure to be taken while filling the GRE form for online test. -

    Just be sure that your name in the GRE form is exactly the same as that you have in your passport.

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