GATE or GRE - Which One To Choose? And Why?

I get a lot of messages through PM service and email asking 'Which one is better : GRE or GATE?'
The dilemma continues eternally among many final year engineering students.

I saw this topic being discussed on different websites and even in the Career-Help section in newspapers here.

I have replied to many depending upon their choice of interest and all.

Since we have many talented engineers here, I want CEans to answer this question.

GATE or GRE - Which One Would You Choose And Why?

Let's compile all your answers and update this post, with a concrete solution.


  • Pensu
    I guess the main answer lies between the choice of studying in INDIA or abroad. GATE ppl generally choose it as they want to go to one of finest institutions in country i.e. IITs. GRE ppl want to study abroad for MS.
  • Saijayadeep
    sir,i saw my senior he was recruited in cts...when i asked him whether you will go for job or for higher studies he replied as such"i will try in other companies..if they wont come i will do m.s"is it possible for a student willing to do m.s to concentrate on recruitment in campus can a person can stabilize his mind of getting a job and willing to do m.s....i am in confusion rather than me ceans..

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