  • CEans,

    We have partnered with GIDS [Great Indian Developer Summit] 09. Here's a brief information about GIDS :

    India's Largest, Independent Summit for The Software Developer Ecosystem :: Great Indian Developer Summit 2009

    April 22-25 2009
    Bangalore, India
    Indian Institute of Science Campus

    The economic downturn will run out of steam trying to outdo the 'ready and waiting' software professional. Packed with premium knowledge, action plans and advise from been-there-done-it veterans, creators and visionaries, the 2009 edition of Great Indian Developer Summit features focused sessions, case studies, workshops and power panels that will transform attendees into a force to reckon with. To be held 22-25 April 2009 in Bangalore, featuring 3 co-located conferences on Microsoft technologies (Apr 22), Rich Web (Apr 23) and Java (Apr 24), 1 exclusive day for in-depth workshops (Apr 25), a high-profile awards ceremony (Apr 25) and a generous dose of tomfoolery, this is one summit you cannot miss.

    The summit's program covers Java, REST, Unit testing, Groovy, Spring, Struts 2.0, SOA, Cloud Computing, Web Services, JRuby, RoR, Ruby, JVM, JPA, Apache, Grails, Agile, HTML 5, Ajax, ADO .NET, C# 4.0, C# vNext, Visual Studio, ASP .NET Ajax 4.0, T-SQL, Silverlight and more through various interactive discussion formats. High-profile speakers at the summit include Craig McClanahan (Java Studio Creator), Venkat Subramaniam (Agile Developer Founder), Beat Schwegler (S+S, Web 2.0, SOA), Ola Bini (JRuby Core Developer and Ruby), Nikhil Kothari (ASP.NET & .NET, Silverlight), Dr. Jim Weber (SOA, REST), Howard Lewis Ship (Apache Tapestry Creator), Jonas Jacobi (Founder of Kaazing), Chad Hower (Cosmos, ADO .NET). Register now to secure your place at this premier networking and deal-making forum. For more information, contact Poonam Sharma at +91(80)9902077327 or e-mail #-Link-Snipped-#.
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberJan 17, 2009

    Awesome!! very informative thing. Well done CE 😀. I guess for the first time came to know about something of my interest . I am going to join atleast GIDS.Java. Will soon convince few of my colleagues. Wow will have lot of fun 😀. I wish I could register for all.Too costly na. 😉
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberJan 17, 2009

    CE certainly is going places and I am sure will touch greater heights.
    I guess Shalini will be covering the event for all of us and will be writing detailed reports.
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberJan 17, 2009

    CE certainly is going places and I am sure will touch greater heights.
    I guess Shalini will be covering the event for all of us and will be writing detailed reports.
    Hey raj, I could surely do but with some one's help only. I don't have any idea of covering and all such things.😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 17, 2009

    Awesome!! very informative thing. Well done CE 😀. I guess for the first time came to know about something of my interest . I am going to join atleast GIDS.Java. Will soon convince few of my colleagues. Wow will have lot of fun 😀. I wish I could register for all.Too costly na. 😉
    We've got HUGE discounts for CEans! Watch out for further updates on the same.
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberJan 17, 2009

    We've got HUGE discounts for CEans! Watch out for further updates on the same.
    I wish my managers can give full discounts for all sessions in such a time of recession. I will talk to them 😉.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 17, 2009

    I wish my managers can give full discounts for all sessions in such a time of recession. I will talk to them 😉.
    Sure thing. You may attend the meet with your managers and colleagues and even friends from other companies 😀

    They have lot of big personalities lined up for talks and presentations. 😀
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberJan 19, 2009

    Just now I asked my TL before approaching to my managers for reimbursing the amount for Web and Java conferences. They asked-"Do they provide any tickets kind of thing for IT companies? (eg. 100 tickets for this company, that company like this). If it is so, there can be chances of reimbursement. Not sure😔. By the way, how much CE will give discount? Here none of my colleagues is interested in spending money.Useless people.😡

    Expecting reply by today EOD 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 19, 2009

    Shalini, because of some of the technical issues from SaltMarch folks; we aren't able to get the offer out. Yes, there are tickets for the IT companies and CEans can avail upto 35% discount! You can't say NO! Hold on for some more time for the discount coupon code 😁

    I'm in touch with SaltMarch folks. Will update this thread with more details.
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberJan 19, 2009

    great news
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberJan 19, 2009

    Yes, there are tickets for the IT companies and CEans can avail upto 35% discount! .

    Are you talking about the GIDS Loality Discount? 2000 INR per conference.If it is so that I can also do. Will CE offer discount over that also?😉
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 19, 2009

    As far as I know, there won't be double discounts.
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberJan 19, 2009

    As far as I know, there won't be double discounts.
    ok, Thank you very much for the information anyways.
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  • suyash

    MemberApr 23, 2009

    I'm in B'lore today attending the GIDS.Java sessions...

    anyone else from CE here ?

    I read above that CEan Shalini was planning to attend it here ?
    are you there ? echo... 😎

    let me know by eod, in case u come online... hehe...
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 23, 2009

    How's it going so far?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 23, 2009

    @Suyash: Do you see our Logo on the printed material given to the attendees?
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