BMW Dynamic Damper Control (DDC) Aka Active Suspensions For Motorcycles

We'll soon be able to say goodbye to bumpy rides - thanks to the BMW Dynamic Damping Control (DDC) Mechanisms which is soon to hit the markets. Remember we talked about the #-Link-Snipped-# which offered about 60% better ride quality? The active suspensions are going to determine the road and ride conditions in real time and adjust themselves to offer smoother ride. Active Suspension Systems are getting automobile industry's attention in recent times. Ford Mondeo features active suspension, but getting the technology to work in motorcycles wasn't thought of until now.

BMW DDC | Image Credit: BMWMAG

One of the reasons could be that the motorcycle suspension system is bit complicated. BMW's suspension system is unique in its own way. It uses a variable ring aperture to make the compression and rebound damping actions. The system takes its inputs from bike's electronic control unit, ABS sensors mounted on each of the wheels, spring travel sensors and tilt and roll sensors. When the rider is low on fuel, the motorcycle activates stronger damping for the rear wheels which enables better overall power management. When the rider applies brakes, the system enables more damping for the front wheels which takes care of the nose dive and helps in maintaining the balance. The magnitude of damping applied depends on the acceleration of the bike. The system is smart enough to detect rider's posture. If the rider leans over, the bike adjusts the damping on both wheels to offer more comfort to the rider and also helps in maintaining the bike - all while taking into considering the speed of the bike. It's not quite clear how quick can the system accept various parameters and how fast is the response time.

The system is in development stage at this point of time and it's expected to hit the markets in near future. Once the overall hardware is in place, controlling it will be a matter of software programming. It would be exciting to follow the developments in technology to offer better ride quality while ensuring greater safety.

Via: #-Link-Snipped-#


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