Articulate, Amazing, Awesome, Annoying Hexapod Hexacopter

When a six legged robot and a six rotor robot helicopter are mated, one would expect sparks to fly. This one walks, dances a jive, flies and grabs things on the fly. The next version can even work independently as a six legged robot and a separate copter both of which can interlock on the go!



  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    I'm quite sure this could be taken up as a final or third year engineering project and improved upon to help with daily chores. How about someone programming it to pick up stuff laying on the floor on its own?
  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    I'm quite sure this could be taken up as a final or third year engineering project and improved upon to help with daily chores. How about someone programming it to pick up stuff laying on the floor on its own?
    After doing that it can quietly fly off to the top of a cupboard to be out of the way.
    May be as you say some one can take it as a mechatronics project. Even in any light engineering industry it can fetch and carry light stuff like tools, or electronic components for assembly and such.
    Host of possibilities.

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