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  • arunchary

    MemberJan 31, 2013

    can u please give me an application to use , such high RPM with voltage specifications ...such that it can be easier to go further ..
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  • Tarun Goel

    MemberJan 31, 2013

    can u please give me an application to use , such high RPM with voltage specifications ...such that it can be easier to go further ..
    i have to use for avr controller kit which requires 5 volt so a rpm motor of 5 volt and high rpm
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  • dossdss

    MemberJan 31, 2013

    To use in a aircraft the mototr should be -
    1. light weight.
    2. high rpm.
    3. should consume less power comparatively.

    now we generally use BLDC motors for the above purpose... 1200 rpm n above. these are really light in weight that is around 50 to 70 gm onwards.

    to drive these motors u'll need ESC (Electronic speed controller) which are basically inverters.

    you will get a wide variety of all the material required to build an aircraft @ #-Link-Snipped-#
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