Microsoft Designer Is Better Than Canva

Microsoft Designer Is Better Than Canva

By - Kaustubh Katdare • 1 year ago • 16.9k views

I recently received access to Microsoft Designer. The new shiney tool from Microsoft is creating buzz on the social media.

It was a small 24 hour wait for me from signing up on the waitlist to getting access. If you wish to skip the rest of this article, here's the final verdict:

Microsoft Designer is 2x Better than Canva

Let me explain.

I'm a regular blogger that needs a good looking images regularly for blog posts, articles that I write.

My design needs are limited to -

  1. Adding text to photos
  2. Adjusting contrast and brightness
  3. Getting access to copyright free images
  4. Painless customization of the image that I picked

So far, Canva has served me as the goto tool for all my design needs. Canva was a big jump from complicated designer tools that require hours of training and have a sharp learning curve.

Canva simply worked.

It gave you templates and access to fancy fonts and UI elements that you could drag and drop and get your design ready.

But having to use your brain and design sense to create good images was so 2022. I'd still have to figure out what color my text should be for the given background.

Each design took at least 10-15 minutes minimum. Do I have that much free time just for the blog image?

Of course not!

Hello Microsoft Designer

Microsoft Designer Brings AI Magic

We are in the ChatGPT era where we get everything ready-made. Microsoft knows what people want and that's what they have offered via Microsoft Designer.

Creating a new design with Microsoft Designer is like prompting your assistant that you want -

A featured image for blog post on Microsoft Designer as a Better Alternative to Canva

Microsoft Designer then works out its magic and gives youa nice image with text written on it. Everything is done for you.

Image creation time - 1 minute (max).

Designer may not be ready for Pros. But who cares?

Microsoft Designer is new. It's not for professional designers who want to control every aspect of their design.

But Microsoft Designer is 2x better than Canva for your everyday simple design needs. Want to design an invitation card for your party or a birthday card? Just instruct the Designer to do it for you.

I think Canva now has a serious competition.

I have a few invites to Microsoft Designer. Let me know in the comments if you want to try it out.

PS: The featured image for this blog post was designed using Microsoft Designer.


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