Is IT chain puller of Indian economy?

Want to get your views on whether IT chain of companies is good or bad for the economy?


  • Rupam Das
    Rupam Das
    In India IT is basically service oriented. Which means the trend is to master the technologies offered by somebody and to extend the service on that. Export percentage is very low. Take any industry, service is always a very low fraction of the overall revenue flow. Beside, Indian manufacturing sides, automobile, Fabrics have contributed largely and more prominently towards the economy. If you see the returns of Share market even a Chicken Selling Firm ( Venkeys) and Gems and Jewelries Firm ( Geetanjali Gems) outperforms the combined gains from top ten IT companies of India. It is a sad part but true. It has given stability of Real estate but thats all. Anybody with a better Idea of proving me wrong? I will be too pleased to be proven wrong though.

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